Hundreds of Recruiters Participate in NPUST 2024 Job Fair

With graduation season around the corner, the NPUST Career Development Office put together an on-campus job fair on May 9th, with financial support coming from the of the Ministry of Labor Workforce Development Agency. The event was held at the square in front of the NPUST IH Building, with 176 companies and public agencies presenting more than 5,000 job opportunities. NPUST President Chin-Lung Chang, Vice-President for Education Shang-Min Ma, (Ministry of Labor) Pingtung Employment Center Director Su-zu Weng and other representatives of related government agencies and the university were present for the opening ceremony.

NPUST President Chin-Lung Chang said that “the school has long been actively cultivating outstanding talent for the workplace, and since the university’s alumni serve pillars of society, they are favored by companies from every sector. This year marks the school’s 100th anniversary of and we hope to see our graduates uphold NPUST’s pragmatic spirit, apply what they have learned, and create excellent career paths for themselves”.

NPUST has more than 2,000 graduates this year, and the recruiting companies have already taken inventory. The large and diverse representation from the business sector created a valuable opportunity for graduating students, and with the continuation of the online resume submission platform, the matchmaking processes will be even more convenient for job seekers and recruiters alike.