NPUST and Pingtung Nurses Association Hold Healthy and Active Ageing Workshop

Under the commission of the Pingtung County Public Health Bureau, the Pingtung Nurses Association joined up with National Pingtung University of Science and Technology (NPUST) to hold a “Healthy and Active Ageing” professional training workshop on April 29 (2024). Bringing together resources from industry, government, and academia, the participants discussed and shared on the challenges faced by an aging society. Chairman of the Pingtung Nurses Association, Pei-fang Chia, held a course on “Interventional Services and Management for Abnormal Community ICOPE Screenings”, and Pingtung County Assistive Devices Center Director Ming-chin Yang shared information on applying for assistive devices and conducting safety assessments of household environments. Other topics included “Evidence-Based Prevention of Dementia”, “Nutrition and Cognitive Disorders” and “Practical Experience in Rehabilitation”.

Participants include nurses from local health centers, care attendants, nursing home nurses, long-term care specialists, service center managers, dementia care personnel and other community health care providers. The goal was to share information which will help care providers identify health abnormalities so they can provide care needs or treatment referrals as early as possible. They also hope to see self-care practices spread so that disabilities can be delayed and quality of life improve can improve for frail and elderly patients.