NPUST and RMUTI Promote 3+3 Bilateral Program in Finance

Following the establishment of a sister-school agreement in 2008, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology (NPUST) and Rajamangala University of Technology Isan (RMUTI) have maintained a close relationship with regular exchanges and numerous academic collaborations. Aiming to expand cooperation, in the second semester of the 2023 academic year the two schools launched a 3+3 bilateral financial management exchange program. Under the program, participating students will take three courses at the other school, earning mutually recognized credits while also exposing themselves to different learning approaches and cultural experiences. Since its inception, the program has quickly expanded in scale, starting with 5 students from RMUTI visiting NPUST in first exchange. In the following semester (2024 -1), the NPUST International Bachelor Degree Program in Finance sent its first student to RMUTI under the new program. Then, in the second half of the same academic year, RMUTI further selected 13 students for the exchange to NPUST, setting a new record.

On February 23 (2025), the Dean of the RMUTI College of Business Administration, Dr. Anirut Phiphatprapha (an alumnus of the NPUST Ph.D. Program in Tropical Agriculture and International Cooperation), led a delegation of seven faculty members from their school’s College of Business Administration, Office of International Affairs, and Student Union to NPUST together with 13 exchange students— demonstrating the high regard RMUTI has for the program. The NPUST Office of International Affairs arranged an airport pick-up and accommodations for the visitors, and organized meetings with the NPUST College of Management and Student Union to promote further understanding between the two schools and find ways to help the exchange students integrate into campus life and the new learning environment. The RMUTI students come from four departments at their university’s College of Business Administration; namely, the Department of Logistics, Department of Digital Marketing, Department of Accounting, and Department of Integrated Business Management. While at NPUST, they will study three fully English-instructed courses selected to enhance their professional knowledge and international experience, including Agribusiness Management (Assoc. Prof. Rebecca H. Chung), Financial Management Case Analysis (Prof. Rern-Jay Hung) and International Supply Chain Management (Prof. Hsiang-Hsi Huang). The 3+3 bilateral exchange program provides students from both universities with diverse international learning opportunities. The record number of RMUTI students coming to Taiwan this semester demonstrates the attractiveness and competitiveness of NPUST’s international programs. In the future, the university will continue to promote and enhance their international learning environment and create new opportunities for cooperation with partnering schools.