NPUST USR Projects Promotes Culture and Education at Military Villages

National Pingtung University of Science and Technology (NPUST), National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism (NKUHT), the Air Force Institute of Technology and a number of other organizations have joined up to hold an education promotion activity in the Gangshan District of Kaohsiung. The activity, which attracted thousands of participants, promoted English language skills, science education, local agriculture, and local culture at villages for military families.

NPUST’s Professor Hudson Hsu said the activity was about “practicing university’s social responsibility (USR) and helping guide local corporate social responsibility”. Not only are they promoting community co-prosperity through science, education, and environmental sustainability, but they are also working to ignite local culture in villages for military families.

The event provided an opportunity for children to have fun as they put their English language skills to the test and learned new things. With various “checkpoints” set up, the children waited excitedly in the lines as they made their way from one level to the next. The themes were rich and diverse, including military, constellations, astronomy, aviation, vehicles, ships, tourism, and catering. The event also included a tour of the air force military dependents’ village, allowing the participants to gain an in-depth understanding of its culture and history.