NPUST Hosts International Mobility Program for Kasetsart University Staff

In order to actively promote cooperation and exchange, Mrs. Hathaitus Semchuchot, Acting Director of the Kasetsart University (KU) International Office, led 18 faculty members on a visit to National Pingtung University of Science and Technology (NPUST) to participate in a four-day International Mobility Program for Faculty. An opening ceremony was held at the Nanfeng Hall on the second floor of the university library on May 20th (2024). NPUST and KU first established a sister-school relationship in 1998. Since then, the two parties have maintained good interaction among students and teachers and conducted frequent internship exchanges. This is the first time that a learning program has been organized to promote administrative experience sharing between faculty members, and thus opens a new chapter in exchange for the two parties.

NPUST Vice President for Education Shang-Min Ma delivered a speech saying “this exchange program is a rare opportunity for both universities to promote professional exchange and knowledge-sharing between faculty members. Through such cooperation, not only can we enhance mutual understanding in different subject areas, but can hopefully enable faculty members at both universities to learn from each other and experience mutual benefit”.  Kasetsart University international relations personnel, Ms. Methawee Sarnkong, said: “we are grateful to NPUST for planning the rich course content. I and believe that our faculty will return home enriched by what they learn, and I can’t wait to see the results of their learning”.

The Office of International Affairs specially arranged a four-day course and arranged visits to many of campus facilities including the Library and Exhibition Hall, Rescue Center for Endangered Wild Animals, Smart Machinery Hall, Working Dog Training Center and more. They also visited administrative units including the Computing Center, Center for General Education, Human Resources Office, Office of International Affairs, and were invited to share their experiences in executing administrative activities, promoting projects, and solving problems in their respective departments. The goal was to exchange information on administrative practices and help improve international mobility.

On the final day, the KU staff reflected on their experience and shared on what they felt to be the most valuable and applicable knowledge that they acquired during the program. Through the entire process, the two schools were able to learn from one another while also deepening their friendship, and enhancing their framework for future cooperation.