NPUST Continues to Practice USR with Sesame Oil DIY Activity for Seniors

The “Integration of Generations—Young and Old Learn Together” activity, which was jointly organized by the NPUST Sustainable Healthcare Center and the Pingtung County Health Bureau, was officially kicked-off on May 10th by NPUST President Chin-Lung Chang and Pingtung County Health Bureau Director Hsiu-Chun Chang. Assistant Professor Kuo-Chan Tseng of the Department of Food Science provided the instruction for the activity together with 10 students from the department who served as youth volunteers. The team from NPUST led nearly 40 elders from the Kuljaljau tribe in Laiyi Township and the Kulaluce tribe in Taiwu Township through a “Sesame Oil DIY” activity. The seniors where first provided with information on how to select safe oil products before DIY activities began. In the classroom, the volunteer students demonstrated the processes including the frying of the seeds, the pressing, and bottling of the oil. The interaction between the young students and the elders was lively, and they had an enjoyable experience together. After the activity, lunch was schedule at the NPUST Second Cafeteria, where a nutritionist provided the seniors with information on dietary health and nutritional value choices. Enjoying their lunch together, the group finally had the chance to taste their own sesame oil as they digested all the information they gained through the activity.

NPUST President Chin-Lung Chang said “we welcome the elders from Laiyi and Taiwu townships. NPUST attaches great importance to University Social Responsibility (USR) and promotes it in all areas. This time, we were honored to once again to cooperate with the Pingtung County Health Bureau to promote the integration of generations through education.”

The activity was not only an opportunity to share knowledge, but also to bridge the gap between generations, and allow seniors from the community to experience the student’s care. Meanwhile, the students were able to gain from the wisdom and experience of the senior citizens and look at the world from a different perspective. NPUST is committed to the practice of intergenerational integration and is working to create age-friendly environments with solid foundations. According to Pingtung County Government Health Director Hsiu-Chun Chang, Pingtung has already entered a super-aged society, so it is good see the co-prosperity of generations. She thanked NPUST for providing so many professional resources and its high-quality campus environment for young students to interact with the seniors.

A second activity on “Horticulture Green Therapy”, co-organized by the Department of Plant Industry, is scheduled to take place on May 16th (Thursday). The activity will allow for more interaction between senior citizens and college students and the further use school facilities to help the local community through university’s social responsibility.