Li Kao Tzu Cultural and Educational Foundation Donates Yamaha Grand Piano

As NPUST Celebrates its 100th anniversary this year, it received the precious gift of a Yamaha grand piano from the Li Kao Tzu Cultural and Educational Foundation. The very meaningful donation will help contribute to the school’s efforts to promote holistic education and artistic and cultural activities. A donation ceremony was held at 10:30 a.m. on May 28th (2024) at the University History Hall on the 3rd floor of the Library and Exhibition Hall. The ceremony was attended by NPUST President Chin-Lung Chang, Lightmed Corporation Chairman Kuei-Jui Li and his wife Ming-Chu Bai, and Teacher Wu Jung Li.

Associate Professor I-Chun Chiang and part-time Assistant Professor Chia-Chin Wu of the NPUST Center for General Studies Center, both of whom hold PhDs in music arts, provided a musical performance, playing violin and piano, respectively. Chun-yi Lin, a student from the Department of Materials Engineering, and Che-Hsiang Hu, a student from the Department of Recreational Sport & Health Promotion also performed a trombone and piano duet for the attendees. The distinguished guests appreciated the stunning sound quality of the piano.

NPUST President Chin-Lung Chang said in his speech: “special thanks to Chairman Kuei-Jui Li of the Li Kao Tzu Cultural and Educational Foundation for generously donating this beautiful and elegant grand piano, and helping to promote arts and humanities education at our school. This is the first donation received by NPUST on its 100th birthday, and it is an excellent present.”

Chairman Kuei-Jui Li of the Li Kao Tzu Cultural and Educational Foundation said: “my career originated in Taiwan and Pingtung is my hometown. I feel very honored to have the opportunity to add to your musical atmosphere on the centennial anniversary of NPUST. Through this opportunity, I hope to carry on the spirit our predecessors had towards emphasizing education and giving back to society.”

NPUST is very grateful for the generous donation. This precious gift will help enhance the musical and artistic atmosphere on campus, and provide another means for teachers and students of the school to exchange music, perform, and hold concerts to enrich the cultural environment