Department of Soil and Water Conservation Holds 2024 Graduation Seminar

The Department of Soil and Water Conservation held a graduation seminar for its seniors at 9:00 am on May 17 (2024) at the department building and the university Library and Exhibition Hall. The special seminar was a designed to be a comprehensive evaluation of the students’ learning and research achievements from the past four years. The event was opened by Department of Soil and Water Conservation director Ming-Hsi Lee, who encouraged students to be brave in the pursuit of exploration and innovation.

Director Ming-Hsi Lee said: “thanks to the hard work of all teachers and students, this seminar was a complete success. Not only was it an affirmation of the students’ learning achievements, but also a demonstration of the unremitting effort that the department is making to promote the integration of academic research and practice. The students not only exhibited their achievements in professional knowledge, but also demonstrated their growth in such areas as teamwork, problem solving and innovative thinking.”

A total of 15 groups of students delivered reports at this seminar, conducting in-depth discussions on research covering slope hazards, monitoring and analysis hydrological flow in natural streams, rainfall and PM2.5 at different periods and many other technical topics. The teachers highly affirmed the outstanding performances of the students and expect that as they take their knowledge to their future workplaces, they will continue to contribute to the department’s good reputation.