NPUST Sends of 2024 National Intercollege Athletic Games Athletes with Flag Ceremony

The annual National Intercollege Athletic Games are about to kick off, and as per tradition, NPUST held a flag presentation ceremony at the square in front of the Administration Building before sending its athletes out to compete. The passionate athletes and coaches representing the university at the upcoming games gathered at 9:00 am on April 22 to receive the school flag from NPUST President Chin-Lung Chang. This year (2024), there are 12 team and 109 athletes who will be competing in track and field, swimming, badminton, table tennis, tennis, judo, taekwondo, wrestling, karate, woodball, cycling and gymnastics—striving together to win glory to their school.

President Chin-Lung Chang delivered a speech at the ceremony, staying: “Last year, our team won seven gold medals in the Intercollege Athletic Games. This year, we are aiming for eight. I hope that the students participating in the upcoming games will perform as usual and achieve great results on the field.”

At the 2023 games, NPUST won 7 golds, 5 silvers and 5 bronzes. Expectations are that the contestants will achieve great results again this year. The key gold medal hopefuls this year are Yu-Sheng Peng in third-level freestyle wrestling, Jia-Hong Ho in men’s singles table tennis, and De-yue Lu and Yi-Hsien Chen in general men’s doubles—all of whom are striving for third consecutive championship wins. High hopes are also placed on track and field sweetheart Pin-juan Chang, who won double silvers last year in the 800M and 1500M. This year, she will be striving to take home the golds in both. Bai-chang Huang, who is the team captain this year, won the gold in the general men’s pole vault event last year as a freshman. This year, he is the favorite to win the gold medal and even break the competition record.

Hosted by the National Taiwan Sports University, this year’s National Intercollege Athletic Games will be held from 4/27 to 5/8 at competition venues spread around the Greater Taichung City area. With the encouragement and confidence of university president Chin-Lung Chang lending support, expectations are that the hard work and training the athletes put in over the past year will materialize into impressive results and bring honor to the school.