Farmers Associations Gather at NPUST for Seminar and Exchange

In order to promote agricultural development and pass down experiences from farmers’ associations, on December 4th (2023) the NPUST Office of Continuing and Extension Education and College of Agriculture held the “Regional Farmers’ Associations Operations and Promotional Strategies Sharing Seminar” at the College of Agriculture on campus. Held in conjunction with the annual agriculture extension liaison meeting, the seminar was an opportunity to exchange practical experience and develop industry-government-academia channels of exchange. Speakers included Director Chun-Yen Chen of the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) Farmer Counseling Department, 14 directors of farmers’ association in the Gaoping area, and NPUST faculty members. The lectures covered national agricultural policy, farmers’ association promotional activities, supply and marketing, credit, leisure tourism, ESG, and organizational innovation. The seminar was comprehensive and rich in content, giving the participants lot to walk away with.

NPUST Vice-President for Education, Shang-Min Ma, remarked that “farmers’ associations play an important role in agriculture by promoting growth in farmers’ finances, economics, and cultivation technology. Many farmers’ associations have been operating for more than a century, transforming over time in response to social development and policy changes”. He also pointed out that NPUST, which is founded on agriculture, “will celebrate its 100th anniversary next year, and over the century, it has joined hands with farmers’ associations to help cultivate the skills of countless farmers’ children and agricultural experts.”

Farmer Counseling Department Director Chun-Yen Chen said “the improvement of farmers’ incomes and consumer food safety are national policy goals; and the sustainable development of Taiwan’s agriculture is implemented through the promotion of farmers’ welfare, environmental fundamentals, and industrial competitiveness. At the same time, farmers’ associations play an educational, economic, financial, and social role, serving as spokespersons for farmers and protecting their rights and interests.”

The cooperation between the Ministry of Agriculture, NPUST, and various farmers’ associations is based on a shared commitment to promote agricultural policies, improve industry-university exchanges, and maintain an interconnected agricultural system. Through the seminar and time of exchange, representatives of these various groups were able to enrich their knowledge, consider different vantage points, and keep connected with various partners in the common pursuit of creating a healthy and fruitful agriculture industry for everyone.