NPUST College of Humanities and Social Sciences and Local Vocational High Schools Hold Forum for Internationalization

On May 18th, the National Pingtung University of Science and Technology (NPUST) College of Humanities and Social Sciences held the “2023 International Partnership Cultivation Forum” together with 9 vocational high schools from southern Taiwan. During the forum, participants discussed guidelines and measures for the joint promotion of international education and the cultivation of global citizens under a strategic alliance framework.

Participating high schools included: National Chimei Senior High School; Kaohsiung Vocational High School of Commerce; National Chiayi Home Economics Vocational High School; National Touliu High School of Commerce; Chung-Shan Industrial and Commercial High School; Tainan Commercial Vocational School; National PingTung Industrial Vocational High School; National Feng-shan Senior Commercial and Industrial Vocational School; and National Nei-Pu Senior Agricultural and Industrial Vocational High School.

NPUST President Chin-Lung Chang said “building on NPUST’s close academic relations with Southeast Asian countries, this forum is being held by NPUST and these vocational schools to show respect for multiculturalism, encourage international understanding, and promote local identities and development.”

NPUST is dedicated to the implementation of USR and the promotion of the internationalized education. With its current international students, the university is planting seeds and helping vocational high school students understand multiculturalism and the diversity of international cultures. In this way, they will be more aware of international issues and more equipped to broaden their international horizons.

This forum was put together to set the direction for joint activities through a time of discussion. In the future, overseas students from NPUST will work together with 11 vocational high school in southern Taiwan, and help their students understand the cultures of various countries and get in touch with current world events.

NPUST is using its international resources to help vocational schools establish sister school relationships or sign memorandums of cooperation with foreign schools. Through international educational visits, exchanges, and other activities, vocational high school students can build relationships with different partners and connect with different cultures in the international community. These things will enable them to learn and grow together in multi-ethnic and multi-cultural environments. In the second half of 2023, NPUST will begin holding activities focused on “exploring the world outside Taiwan”. Hopes are to establish a new milestone for cross-cultural exchange activities and the development of international education.