Two NPUST Professors Honored with CIE Award

The Chinese Institute of Engineers (CIE), together with a number of other specialized engineering societies in Taiwan, held their joint annual assembly at the Regent Taipei on November 22, 2021. At the gathering, awards were presented for outstanding contributions in various engineering categories, including “Outstanding Engineering Professor”, “Outstanding Engineer”, and “Excellent Young Engineer”. Among the recipients, two professors from National Pingtung University of Science and Technology (NPUST) were honored with the Outstanding Engineering Professor Award for their excellent work; namely, distinguished Professor Wen-Tien Tsai from the Graduate Institute of Bioresources and Professor Chiwan Hsieh from the Department of Civil Engineering.

“The digital transformation starts with engineering” was the theme of the gathering this year as the Chinese Institute of Engineers celebrated its 110th anniversary. The theme not only reflects the anticipation that forward-looking people within the engineering community will play an instrumental role in future economic and technological development, but is also a response to the government’s six core strategies to accelerate the transformation and upgrading of Taiwan and move towards becoming a Smart nation built on “innovation, tolerance and sustainability”.