Representative Ms. Sharon Ho from the Malaysian Friendship and Trade Centre visits NPUST

Representative Ms. Sharon Ho from the Malaysian Friendship and Trade Centre and Director of Investment Mrs. Syakella Zakaria and Mr. Justin Lee of the Malaysian Investment Development Authority visited the NPUST campus on September 29th, meeting with NPUST President Chang Hsien Tai and holding a conversation with Malaysian students at the school.

A total of 40 students, mainly from the Department of Plant Industry and Department of Veterinary Medicine, were present at the meeting. Currently there are more than 500 overseas students studying at the university, a large percentage of whom come from Malaysia. The Malaysian Friendship and Trade Centre, which is located in the center of Taipei, is the most important place of contact for Malaysian students studying in Taiwan. As a representative office, the Center assists Malaysians with emergencies when they come up and provides document renewal services.

In 2020, NPUST International Director Pomin Li led a group of Malaysian students from the university’s Overseas Community Association on a trip to visit Representative Ms. Sharon Ho at the Malaysian Friendship and Trade Centre in Taipei. At that time Representative Ho expressed genuine care for the Malaysian students and said that she would visit the school in Pingtung to learn more about their living conditions in Taiwan.

Through the meeting, the delegates were able to get feel for areas where students might need assistance from the Center—and it also gave the students, who are living away from home, an important sense of security and warmth – the feeling of being with family.